
Snowball Economics

So I'm actually really enjoying this semester's class. It's about financial markets and the Federal Reserve, which had you asked me, I would have sworn to you that it would be Booooooring! But amazingly, (and no one is more shocked about this than I am) I'm really enjoying it. The book that we're using is called Secrets of the Temple How the Federal Reserve runs the country, and it's actually interesting. (Of course, not being at all versed in economics, I have to read every sentence twice to absorb it, but it manages to hold my attention and be mildly entertaining, which no econ textbook has ever done. Ever. Not even a little bit. I can not express how blown away I am that I am enjoying this class. The professor is really good too. I was really expecting some crusty old guy who was personally around when they formed the Fed (1913, if you're wondering), but this guy is really entertaining. (He's still old, but he's more like mid to late 40's old instead of centuries old). Each class is 4 hours long, and I do not even realize how the time passes until he makes some comment that he only has 10 minutes left. 4 hours of monetary policy, and I'm still alert! Nay, more than alert! Actual interaction! About an economics class! Shocked! Shocked I say! I can only assume that snowball inventory in Hades is skyrocketing, which we all know from the Keynesian models means that output (q) is high and price (p) should be...never mind.