

A couple of weeks ago, my book review club sent me a copy of Max Lucado's new book, Fearless.

I've read some of Lucado's other books throughout the years and from time to time, but when the book first arrived, I'll admit that it gave me pause. I mean, it's not like I spend all my days hiding in the corner or anything. I don't consider myself to be a fearful person, you know? What could this book possibly have for me?

A lot.

Although I didn't admit to it at first, a lot of the chapters on various fears started sounding annoyingly familiar. And I'd find myself going, "Well, yeah, I guess I do that too". Amazingly, fear becomes so ingrained in our day to day thinking that sometimes we don't even realize that that is what really ails us. The good news is that after the book shines a light on our innermost fears for us, it also does a great job of showing us the way to overcome them.

At one time or another, we're all of afraid of something. Maybe it's violence, or worst-case scenarios, or Global Calamity, or not being able to provide for our families, or disappointing God, or maybe not mattering to anyone. Fear is all around us. (Doubly so if we watch the evening news or pick up a newspaper). But the whole point of Fearless is that it doesn't have to be that way. Lucado raises an interesting point in the very first chapter: out of 125 various instructions in the Gospel, Jesus tells us not to be afraid 21 of those times. That's more than any other command. He says it over and over again. Don't worry. Have courage. Do not be afraid. Fear not. Don't let your hearts be troubled. You can't really get any clearer than that, can you?

The book is an easy and engrossing read, filled with stories and scripture and thought-provoking points that make you go, "hmmmm". I won't spoil it for you by recounting all of my favorite parts here, but I will tell you that scaredy cat or not, even Christian or not, it does make for an inspiring read that will reshape the way you feel about yourself, others, and the world around you.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I haven't read anything from Max Lucado in years, but this sounds like a good one. It's funny how sometimes we need to be reminded of things we already know. Goodness knows I need reminders to not worry, to not be afraid, to not be anxious, etc.