
Four Inverted Loops Later...

The Seester came in to town to visit for a week. We made the most of it by packing in as much fun as possible while she was here. I could recount all of our day-by-day fun-ness, but then you would be horribly jealous.


Besides, I think this picture of us on the roller coaster at Dollywood says it all.

(Heehee! As soon as my mother realizes that I've put this photo with her eyes all scrunched up on here, she's going to throw to a fit).

(Then the real screaming will start).

(Still worth it).

Edited to add: To be fair, my mother does not like roller coasters, and only went on this one because she is a champ. Mad props to her battling the nausea so that we could have this lovely commemorative photo and document Mom's dedication to family togetherness...even at 110 mph and through four inverted loops.

Edited again: Did anyone notice how my sister totally unhinged her jaw in this picture? She's like a snake getting ready to swallow a water buffalo. (Luv you, seester!)