

I have spring fever. (I know, I know, you're shocked. You never would have guessed from the previous 200 posts regarding my obsession with the weather).

Anyway, this weekend's weather was sooo nice that I was inspired to buy a hammock off of eBay. It's a lovely 2 person rope hammock, and I've spent the morning designing the arbor that I'm going to build to support my new hammock and researching the shade tolerant climbing vines that I'm going to (hopefully) grow on it. (I've narrowed it down between sweet autumn clematis or crossvine, and there's still a tiny possibility for Blue Chinese Wisteria as soon as I find out how true "likes sun, but tolerates shade" is). This has been a wonderfully productive morning, unless you consider that I haven't actually done any work-work yet. (A minor technicality).

This is the latest project in the series, "My outdoor projects for enjoying every nanosecond of the warm weather". Also on the list is: hang second air chair on porch, finish hanging material on ceiling of screened in porch (trust me...very cool once it's complete), sew new chair pad covers for outdoor furniture, build deck, buy and assemble hanging swing, plant 80 bazillion baskets of flowers, and continue sidewalk to connect soon-to-be-built deck to door on side of house. Ambitious? Probably. Expensive? Definitely. (Sorry Tony). Fun? Absolutely! I can't wait to get started.