
In Case You Need More Bloggy Goodness

I've stumbled across a fabulous new blog called Days to Come. She's friends with Antique Mommy and Big Mama, so it was only logical to make the leap to Days to Come. Like every other blogger in the whole entire world with the exception or yours truly and the Seester, she's a stay at home mom. (Why are Moms the best writers? Is it because they have fodder from all the funny things that kids do?) Anyway, Days to Come has 4 children, which she home schools. She also has fabulous tricks for stretching your dollars. I've been lurking on her site for about two weeks now, greedily reading all her archives. Trust me. She's a good read.


Anonymous said...

Good move to start reading Jeana. She is a superb writer and thinker and quite funny.

Jeana said...

Why, thank you! I just saw this and it made my day.