
Men in Trees

Okay, so I'm really getting hooked on that new show Men in Trees. At first, it was just something to pass the time until House came on. But I must admit that I'm getting attached. It's not Emmy winning, but it's cute. An old fashioned "root for the main character to find true love and a happy ending" kind of show. Like all those nights I stayed up to watch Caroline in the City because I wanted to see Caroline and what's-his-face finally realize what they had. Now, It's Jim and Pam on The Office (which, by the way, is ranked in my top three favorite shows. New season starts Thursday!)

Anyway, I think we need more shows like that. I'm so over the reality shows, and the dancing, cooking, and plastic surgery with the stars. I want to get back to the good old sitcoms, where the writing is funny and you can root for the main characters because they weren't doing anything illegal or cheating on their spouses. Give me good, happy tv watching. I hope Men in Trees makes it.


Anonymous said...

No talk, no rock, non-stop easy listening. Or viewing. But you get the idea.

Anonymous said...
