
School Supplies

It's class time again! This semester is Marketing Strategy (an interesting sounding class but a new, unknown teacher, so who knows?) and Business Research Projects, which is my thesis (major barf, but my advisor is a good guy). Actually, if I'm disciplined and write faithfully throughout the semester, the thesis paper won't be so bad. (And the chances of me actually being that disciplined after the first chapter are about the same as the Pope nominating Brittany Spears for sainthood. Place your bets now people).

Of course, both classes are already attempting to bankrupt me by requiring books that cost a billion-gazillion dollars, but I have managed to get around that by asking if it's okay to get a previous edition (it is). So while the 11th edition retails for $180 smackaroos, the 10th edition can be purchased for $27. (Quick bargain boogie for! I love you, internet shopping!)

With book buying out of the way, we turn our attention to gathering other necessary supplies such as pencils, post-its, and a file folder (easily liberated from work), a calculator with questionable battery power, and healthy class snack rations (Twix bars, Fudge Shoppe cookies, Cheese-its, chocolate chunk granola bars, half a pack of gum and one almost-overripe banana. See? I told you it was healthy).

Now I'm ready to rock and roll. My book bag is packed, my mechanical pencil is sharpened, and I've already harassed my teachers via email by asking 50 billion questions before the classes have even started.

Class is officially back in session!