

I just finished a phone conversation with a woman that has the unfortunate last name of Snork. (I could not bring myself to call her Ms. Snork. I just couldn't. Instead, I just called her by her first name, which also starts with S, as in, Sally* Snork. Poor woman). This brings up a very important question (other than did this woman volunteer to date, become engaged to, marry, and legally change her name to match a guy named Snork? Because this woman is a saint if she did. I hope Mr. Snork is worth it). Does anyone remember that old cartoon about Snorks? Out of the murky recesses of my childhood, I seem to recall that Snorks lived underwater, and had bizarre macaroni shaped protrusions coming out of the top of their heads. (I think they were blowholes). The name Allstar Snork comes to mind, and there seemed to be a Snork dog as well? I think there was a whole gang of Snork children, and they had underwater adventures, along with an official Snork theme song, which I would now pay good money to have as a ringtone for whenever Sally calls.

I loved the Snorks. I have such good memories of jumping around in front of the television, pretending to be a Snork too. (Although not enough to actually marry into the snork name like Sally there).

Anyway, I just knew you'd enjoy taking a moment out of your day to remember the Snorks and pity Sally. I know I did. Now it's back to work, where I'm about to return a phone call of a new customer, first name Thundercats...last name Ho-oooo!

*Her real first name isn't Sally, but it does start with an S, which is equally bad.