Do you ever go through a period of time where you're just cruising along, and then all of a sudden, you realize that you've made a mistake on something, and then, like 30 seconds later, you find another mistake, and another, and another, and another? Some of these mistakes I made last week, some of them 6 months ago, but it seems that I'm finding them all here at one time. It's totally shot my confidence in my work. I went from being one of the best to being a total screw up with no warning. Now I'm cringing, waiting for the next mistake to show up. If I had made all the mistakes at one time, like within the same week, I could be like, "Wow. Lousy week." or figure out what was going on that could have attributed to the mistakes. But these are all spread out. And I can't figure out why I'm making them, because I never make these kinds of mistakes. Very frustrating. I hate making mistakes. I know, I know. Everyone makes them. But all my mistakes ganged up to ambush me at one time. Very frustrating.