
More Amazing Adventures of Baby Cooter

My stat tracker informs me that 16 people have come to visit by way on Nicole's Baby Blog in the last week alone, so I'm guessing that there's a lot of interest out there for Baby Cooter. And since I'm not above upping my own blog readership by exploiting Baby Cooter's fan club, I'll continue on with updates on his growth and development. (Plus I can be excited about it because it's not actually happening to me).

In this week's episode, our not-quite pint-sized hero weighs about 1.75 ounces and is about 4 to 4.5 inches in length (in relation to my stash of office supplies, that makes him the same size as my blue Major Accent highlighter). According to the PregnancyWeekly Newsletter, Baby Cooter's tiny heart is pumping between 20 and 25 quarts of blood every 24 hours (which will grow to 300 quarts by the time he's ready to make his official world debut), and in shocking cliffhanger ending, Baby Cooter is developing his future hairline pattern! (Cue the organ music: Whaamp, whaamp, Waaaaa!)

Will Baby Cooter choose male pattern baldness? When will we find out if Baby Cooter is, in fact, a "he"? What will he spend the next 178 days doing in there? (My guess is solitaire). Join us next week for answers to these shocking questions!