
Wordless Wednesday- the Invisible Edition!

Since it's Wordless Wednesday, please take a moment to visualize a beautiful picture here. It's breathtaking! It's awe inspiring! It's still in my camera!

So things have been really...interesting lately. It's midterm time at school, and the end of the quarter billing at work, and I haven't really had a spare moment to breathe. I know, I know. The old I-haven't-had-a-spare-moment-to-breathe-lately-much-less-upload-a-picture-for-Wordless-Wednesday excuse. I'm sorry. But I'll save it for next Wednesday, and you can see it then.

Until then, pretend that it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen! Maybe even cry a little. It's okay. It's that moving. And if people claim that they can't see it, then tell them that they just don't understand my art.

1 comment:

jean said...

"And if people claim that they can't see it, then tell them that they just don't understand my art."

This made my day. I think I have a tear in my eye too.