9:00am- Wake up. I've been having a dream that I am buying purses from a street vendor with a guy I used to work with. I'm also trying to convince him that some woman murdered my brother. (I do not have a brother). Am slightly confused as to where I am when I open my eyes.
9:03am- Stumble into living room. The Seester is watching project runway. It's the episode where they have to make outfits out of potato sacks. I sit down to watch too.
9:27am- something wrong with recording. Show stops right before the fashion show. Seester and I are enraged! Who wins best potato sack outfit?!?
9:43am- Find article with recap and pictures of clothing.
10:10am- boil some eggs for breakfast. Discuss various childhood memories. We marvel that we have turned out to be so normal.
12:22pm- Getting ready to go out and be touristy with the Seester.
1:00pm- Swing into place called Steve's Deli for lunch. We both order the turkey club. Delicious!
1:39pm- The Seester wants to pop in to a furniture store to look for a new couch. We find one. Spend the next 30 minutes looking at possible upholstery samples. We like the sage best. Seester promises to come back with her hubby.
2:12pm- Wander into another furniture gallery to look at a couch Seester has dubbed "the slug". (I think it looks like the Michelin Man). It tries to eat me. Seester has to pull me up to safety. Barely escape with my life.
2:39pm-Window shop fancy lighting store. Seester likes a giant silver chandelier. I like one that looks like a tie rack with light bulbs.
2:47pm- Next stop is a bath fixture store. Wander around looking at the unusual bath tubs and sinks. When the sales guy isn't looking, Seester sneaks a picture of me posing by my favorite tub. Random customer spots us and thinks we are nuts. I return the favor by making her climb into a giant porcelain cereal bowl to take her picture. (Note: ever since she saw her picture from yesterday's post, the Seester has demanded to approve all photos before they are posted. Told you she wouldn't like that picture).
2:48pm- Seester okays her giant bowl picture.
3:11pm- Pop in to weird antique store under guise of finding funky vases. Instead we discover ceramic juggler/clown dolls with bright red skin and expressions of being tortured. Seester suspects anti-clown demonstration. I suggest that they represent Carney burn victims. I may have nightmares tonight about these clowns.
4:03pm- We stumble across a street with several art galleries. Since I am always looking for inspiration for my painting (such that it is), we duck into several. Seester likes the warm ones with reds and oranges. When I get back home, I will try to paint her something with these colors. Everyone needs a blind monkey original.
5:45pm- Seester's buddy Zach picks us up for a quick trip to Benny's. The Seester finds a couple of tasty beverages. I model a couple of bottles myself.
6:20pm- Zach drops us off at home. We grab the Seester's hubby and head to California pizza kitchen. Seester and I split a garlic chicken pizza and two slices of chocolate banana royale cake. (We started out just splitting one, but it was so good that we ordered a second one. We're talking rolling around in the floor good. I got down on my knees and pledged my undying devotion to this cake. This cake could launch a thousand ships). I heart this cake.
8:31pm- Fat and happy over two pieces of cake. Heading home. The Seester pulls up this video so that I can watch it. We end up singing poker face for the rest of the night.
11:14pm- Seester conks out. (She never was a night person...I'm actually impressed that she lasted this long). I type up the day's adventures. Will probably hit a quick Holmes story as a nightcap and hit the sack. And so the adventures continue. More tomorrow.