10:00am- I wake up. Like I said, it was totally overcast and rainy today, so I slept in. It's just that kind of day.
10:20am- Despite the 100% humidity, the Seester wants to play hair salon and straighten my hair. I like the look of my hair straight but am usually too lazy to do it myself, so I agree. See my cuteness?
11:55am- We head to Rockit for brunch. I have the biscuits and gravy, Seester has the waffles, and Seester's hubby (who will henceforth be called "Stubby" for simplicity's sake) had the fruit and granola. (I tried to get a picture of Stubby looking fierce over his manly-man granola, but it turns out that he is unable to keep from smiling when confronted with a camera. Oh well).
1:05pm- We leave brunch and pop over to the furniture store where Seester saw the couch yesterday. Stubby doesn't hate it, so Operation Sweet New Couch moves into the next stage.
1:52pm- Arrive back home. Seester is laying out possible furniture placement on graph paper. Stubby is playing some kind of Batman video game (Batman seems to have some anger issues). I am flipping through the new issue of Southern Living. (The Chocolate mousse pie recipe looks promising. Earmark that one).
3:56pm- Some of the Seester's pals have invited us over for a get-together tonight, so she and I head to the grocery store for football party fixins'. (Question: If you use all beef franks for pigs in a blanket, are they still "pigs"? Would they not be tiny cows in a blanket? Discuss amongst yourself and get back to me).
5:41pm- Leave for Sam and Abby's house. This "get-together" sound suspiciously like a party, which I am completely against, but Seester promises that it will be just a low key watching of the football game.
6:10pm- Abby does not hear us buzzing to get in the door, so we stand out in the cold and freeze for a few minutes. Seester unsuccessfully tosses rocks at the window. Finally, the second floor neighbor takes pity on us and lets us in.
6:20pm- Turns out that this really is a casual get-together, and despite a few moments of discomfort where I immediately forget all the names of the people who were just introduced to me (Mike? Mark? Max?), I find myself relaxing. The room is unanimously cheering for the Saints, and Farve endures increasing abuse from us as the night goes on. The game is nail-bitingly close, and I am shocked to report that I stayed enthralled with it all evening (usually I am bored by half time). I credit my undivided attention to the close score and snarky comments about the players by all those present (I appreciate quality snark). Oh, and the cows in a blanket, which were delicious. Naturally.
7:03pm- Also? Garlic Triscuits and feta cheese. So tasty! (And so funky on the breath!) Still worth it though. I ate roughly 50 bazillion. NomNomNom!
8:20pm- Abby has an interesting ability for influencing the game. She'd say, "You know what? I think the Vikings should fumble the ball now" AND THEY WOULD! Or she'd say, "I think the Saints should catch an interception" AND THEY WOULD! I wanted to drag her out to buy lotto tickets immediately.
10:14pm- Game over. Return home. The Seester and Stubby have to work tomorrow, so they call it a night. I research the best routes to take for my solo adventures tomorrow. Mass transit kinda gives me the heebie-jeebies (I seem to attract the psychos for some reason), but the forecast tomorrow is a high of 34 with snow showers so lots of walking is probably out. However for you, kind reader, I will brave both the weather and the nutcases. We're going cultural tomorrow so stay tuned!