
Marketing Mania

The new school semester has started, and I must say, it's looking up. Last semester's foray into Economics (yuck!), Finance (double yuck!), and Accounting (extreme intestinal-emptying, mutant-alien-slime spew yuck) was grueling but doable. This semester seems to be a reward from the heavens compared to last semester. Once again, it's divided into three "modules" (read: the entire content of three full courses smashed into one semester), but these modules happen to be much more interesting that last semester's. Right now we're in marketing, which has the added bonus of being taught by a professor who has actually held a position in marketing with an actual real life company, so his theories are tempered by "real world situations", which is nice. After that we'll have a stint in Management, followed by a stint in Strategy. Glancing over the syllabus, it should be promising. Added bonus for this semester is a computer simulation game about making and selling shoes, which I happened to play in undergrad, and just happened to win. Here's hoping I can keep that winning streak alive.