

I have my year end review at work coming up, and I have to write a self-appraisal. I rate myself from 1 to 5 and give examples of my wonderfulness on things like Professionalism, Communication, Willingness to charge through a burning building to save a customer, blah, blah, blah. I HATE these things! I never know what to give myself. Am I being too hard on myself? Am I being too easy? What if I give myself a 5 and my boss gives me a 2? Plus, it just feels like I'm tooting my own horn. "I'm wonderful. My customers love me. I'm never absent. I do fantastic work. My co-workers couldn't exist without me. The company would be in shambles if I ever left. They throw parades in my honor". It just seems to me that I shouldn't be telling my boss how great I am...he should be able to SEE how great I am, and then tell me. Despite how shallow and egotistical I seem in this blog (where you're all strangers, so who cares what you think), I'm really uncomfortable with the whole "sell yourself" thing. I'm working on a MadLibs version where I can just fill in the blanks:

"I've very (personal attribute). In fact, I always (verb) the monthly (noun) reports by (date). The customers is always (feeling) when I (verb), and the office (noun) is always (adj). My team members say that I (verb) the (adj) (noun) very (adverb)."