
The Class of 2007

Congratulations Seymour High School Graduates of 2007! Quirky Cousin Ashley (the baby of the family) graduated with her class last night to the rousing chords of Pomp and Circumstance while an inflatable lobster pool float bounced around the graduating class. (Why a lobster, I don't know. I did hear that it lost its 4.0 after a particularly grueling Honors English class though). The six (yes six) Valedictorians made lovely speeches about all the joys and struggles of high school, and I noticed that a theme this year includes quoting portions of your favorite song lyrics in your speech (which come to think of it, isn't that odd considering that one of my four Valedictorians read Dr. Seuss for his speech). Cousin Ashley is off to UT this fall to continue her ed-u-ma-cation. Congratulations Ashley! We're all very proud of you...despite that wimpy mortarboard toss.