Once upon a time, almost seven and twenty years ago, a lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) baby was born, and the kingdom rejoiced. And her parents placed her in her lovely nursery, complete with lovely crib, and lovely dresser/changing table, and lovely chest of drawers for keeping all her lovely little clothes. Years passed, and the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) baby grew into a lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) young lady, and the crib was exchanged for a big girl bed, but the dresser and chest of drawers remained. And more years passed, and the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) young lady grew up, and moved away from home, and the same chest and dresser went with her. And a few more years passed, and the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) young woman married an equally lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) young man, who also happened to have a chest of drawers from his childhood, so the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) couple combined their faithful (if now mismatched) furniture (plus a particle board "armoire" from Target and some old end tables from a garage sale to use as nightstands) into their bedroom. And that was fine, for a while. But one day, the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) bride said to her lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) husband, "Lo!" (Lo wasn't the husband's name...she just said that to get his attention), "Our clothes runneth over. We cannot get the drawers to close anymore. And all the furniture is mismatched. And we are amiss, because according to the royal
HGTV decree, all bedrooms should have a headboard to be a
focal point and anchor the bed in the room! We do not have any such headboard!" And so, the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) couple set out on a quest to find bedroom furniture. And they searched high and low, through several lands, but could not find a bedroom suite that would work. The lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) wife wanted a cherry stain four poster bed and a headboard without a broken pediment, and the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) husband wanted it to be one step up from free. And that combination is not easy to find. And so they searched(mostly the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) wife, but she drug the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) husband along when she could) off and on for a period of 4 years. But one day, while the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) couple were out browsing through furniture stores, they happened to come across
Haverty's, which happened to have a lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) cherry bedroom suite that happened to be on sale, which made the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) wife happy, AND it just so happened to b

e on tax free weekend, so the whole lot was tax free, which made the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) husband very happy. And so they purchased it, and were very happy with their new bedroom suite, which is scheduled to arrive on Saturday, (which means the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) wife won't be able to go hiking, but there will be other hikes, so that's okay). So finally, the quest has been accomplished, and the bedroom will match, and have enough drawers to store clothing, and a headboard to anchor the room and be a focal point, just as the royal
HGTV decreed. The faithful childhood furniture will not be carelessly discarded however, but will be moved into the guest bedroom to await the day that it gets reunited with the crib and becomes nursery furniture all over again. And the lovely and wonderful and witty and charming and slightly quirky (in a good way) household lived happily ever after.
The End.
By the way, I was going to link to a site with a picture of a broken pediment headboard, but the first one I pulled up had not only a broken pediment bed, but also a young gentleman sans clothing, who was...we'll say doing his own impression of a pediment. I figure that the IS department will have me fired any moment for looking at porn.
Congrats!!! It's lovely! Can't wait until my own household trades in my mismatched childhood furniture for matching stuff...
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